Doctor talking to an elderly patient

Transforming Medical Practices with Digital Advanced Care Planning (ACP)

In today's healthcare, innovation is key to cost containment and quality enhancement. MyDirectives helps medical practices seeking to achieve higher-value outcomes. MyDirectives for CliniciansTM facilitates interoperable digital data exchange and offers opportunities for cost avoidance, empowering clinicians to deliver optimal care.

Research consistently shows that the majority of patients facing advanced or terminal illnesses prefer to receive care and live their final days outside of a hospital setting. ACP interventions have emerged as a proven strategy to honor these preferences while also producing tangible benefits for both patients and medical practices.

By engaging in ACP discussions and digitally documenting patient preferences and priorities, medical practices can achieve:

Higher Satisfaction: Enhance patient and family satisfaction by ensuring patient wishes are respected and honored

Reduced Hospitalizations: Reduce unnecessary or unwanted hospital admissions, interventions, and procedures

Enhanced Patient-Centered Care: Advance patient-centered clinical excellence objectives

Clinical Excellence: Fulfill regulatory requirements such as MIPS Measure #047: Advance Care Plan.

With MyDirectives, medical practices see improved resource utilization efficiency, better patient engagement, and higher quality ratings. Partner with MyDirectives and unlock the full potential of ACP in your practice today.

The result - better resource utilization efficiency, greater member engagement, and higher quality ratings.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you help your members and case managers.

Let’s get started on digital ACP together

Secure, Interoperable, Accessible.

MyDirectives offers the only digital ACP tools and interoperable cloud-based storage that is HITRUST Risk-Based, 2-year Certified.
